29 March 2007

Social Studies

I was listening to talk radio on the way home from work. They were discussing the impending socialization of health care. One man called in and said "Socialized medicine could never last in America. Just wait till someone's kid has to wait a long time for treatment. Everyone will be up in arms..." - something like that.

I don't have high hopes about opposition to socialized medicine when I see so little resistance to socialized education.

For more than three generations now, parents (mine included) have happily handed their most precious children off to the state for 12 years of soul-norming regulation. Six hours a day, five days a week, the state does its best to remake these children into easily managed units, with the lowest common denominator as their model. Of course, it's all with the best of intentions. "Without the state, (other) parents would just let their offspring wallow in ignorance."

The ill effects of socialized education are clear, and have been for a very long time. How can anyone think that the state will do a better job with health care? And yet, it's coming. Like a vampire, we have to invite it into our home. Once it's in - look out!

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